Traditional Dutch Foods You Must Try in Amsterdam

Traditional Dutch Foods You Must Try in Amsterdam

From croquettes to mini fluffy pancakes, Amsterdam offers many unique culinary experiences to the hungry traveler. Although Netherlands bitings may not be as well-known as Chinese cuisines, Traditional Dutch Foods. there are many delights you shouldn’t miss. Don’t leave town before trying these delicious Dutch delights. 

Traditional Dutch FoodsPoffertjes 

Capped out of buckwheat flour and yeast, are the Dutch fluffy pancakes known as Poffertjes. The servings are topped with butter and powdered sugar. During winter or fall when its high season to sell these delicious snacks, you will be lucky enough to get a bite at outdoor markets and street corners. You could also get your serving with sweet toppings such as strawberry, syrup and whipped cream. 


This delicacy comes with a rich taste and a combination of spices, meat, and salt. It is a sausage produced in factories that use smoke flavor. Get it in butcheries and supermarkets. 

Hollandse Nieuwe Haring 

This is a rich traditional Dutch delight that must be tried. Served with chopped onions, the raw herring fish can also be eaten with bread if you like. Enjoy eating it by holding it by the tail and dunk it into your mouth. You can find it in shops and at street stands. 


Meet the humble stroopwafel, which is considered the sweetest bite in all of Amsterdam. This Dutch delight has gone global, but none compares to the package that is freshly made in the streets of Amsterdam. It comes packed with layers of dough with extremely sweet caramel syrup. Enjoy this treat while still hot and gooey. 


Some people are not brave enough to try out the raw herring. If you are one of them, then try kibbeling, which is still a fishy delight. Battered with white fish and deep fried morsels, kibbeling is as delicious as it looks. It is served with lemon and mayonnaise herb sauce. 


This has a close resemblance to the American pie. It comes with extremely sweet cakey dough at the edges and the bottom and a lattice at the top. The pie has sugar, lemon juice, and cinnamon flavors. 

If you are looking for a comfortable and affordable accommodation right at the heart of Dutch-rich cuisine Amsterdam, then Hostel Annemarie might be your ultimate solution.